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The Sun and The Moon


Across the sky is where you lay

I'm bringing life to what they call it 'day'


Across the sky is where you stay

I'm bringing life to what they call it 'night'


Destined soulmates, everyone could see

You push and I pull

With an invisible red string ties the flame of love

You run and I chase

Tell me these feelings are real


A pair made in heaven, everyone could see

You're awake and I drowse

With an inner mind explores the depth of imagination

You're there and I'm here

Tell me my name is engraved in your heart


Why are we confined by the high fence?

The perfection would be ours

If only the distance did not keep us apart

Two love birds flying high and set free


Why were we created in opposed dimension?

The perfection would be ours

If only our souls were born in the right place

Two's company, three's a crowd


When we meet up on occasions

The world stops spinning

Our eyes meet, we connect our lips

And total eclipse of the plant is growing

Wishing time could freeze


When we meet up on episodes

The magical cord happens

Our fingers intertwined, we shed the tears of joy

And total eclipse of the heart is glowing

Hoping God would hit the pause


Our love is a pure sacrifice

I see us as the beams of light

That keeps everyone alive


Our love is a pure miracle

I see us as the source of hope

That true love does exist

[Sun and Moon]

What is meant to be separated by destiny

Yet we breathe for one destination

To light up the world

To keep the earth bright and shiny

In the day and night

If this has to be our fate 

Promise to reminisce each memory

Until we meet again ... 

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