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Know Who You Are: The Importance Of Self-Knowledge

By discovering yourself through the tests mentioned on the previous article (https://jessahirano.journoportfolio.com/articles/know-who-you-are-how-to-gain-self-knowledge/) I am sure it’s starting to affect yourself and stimulate your mind to gain more insight about your identity. So, here are the following benefits of self-knowledge that will definitely play a role in your life:

1. You genuinely love yourself for being the real you.
As your basic understanding about yourself grows deeper, it makes you realize how unique you are. You will start to love and appreciate yourself more by removing all the negative thoughts that had probably ever haunted your mind like “I can’t do good” or “I am not better than the other people”, instead you change those thoughts into “I believe I can do it” and “I am unique and there’s nobody like me because I am the only me.” You don’t have to live life by pretending to be someone you are not. Just be yourself.

2. You gain a better self-control.
You will not easily get distracted by judgmental people. When somebody tries to let you down, instead of being driven by situation, you are able to control what can get into your head and what you should throw out of your head. You can never control what people say or think about you, but you can always control how you react to it. Even if there is still possibility for negative comments giving a little bit impact on you, you will immediately pick yourself back up and focus on what becomes your goal.

3. You have higher self-esteem.
The good potential you see in yourself activates positive energy and boosts your confidence. Self-esteem has influence in decision making and it even allows you to accept disagreement as everybody is entitled to their own opinion, without losing your personal point of view. You believe what you believe with no disrespect to other people’s opinions. You know how to stand up for yourself. You know why you do things you do.

4. You improve personal growth.
Everyone has experienced failure in life, and so have you. But self-knowledge helps you to adopt a healthy mindset and grow your maturity level. You will choose not to give up, learn from your mistakes in the past, and begin again. Because failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success.

5. You set healthy boundaries
Being self-aware automatically sets boundaries. People can express their opinion or criticize you but you don’t need people to tell you who you are, what your talents and flaws are, or what you should be doing – as you already know that. The positive way to treat criticism is by thinking it helps you grow, however you are still the gatekeeper in your boundaries. You will not waste time and energy on unnecessary things.

6. You follow your dreams and goals.
You acknowledge your skills and talents give you clearer vision of your destiny and more understanding on your life purpose. You find what you are passionate about and this leads you to reach your goals.

7. Your empathy increases.
You can relate to what other people may feel when they don’t know themselves much. The process you’ve experienced start from lack of confidence, accepting your imperfections, embracing your potential, and finally able to reach the life balance through basic understanding of your strengths and weaknesses might change your mind and heart to help others to gain their self-awareness. You have understood that each person is unique, it stimulates you to spread love and share your story. Sharing is caring. Self-knowledge can be the first step where the empathy begins.

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